
We are happy to present You Tales from AeRalos universe

Empress Aina - an ordinary day

As usual, she woke up in full awareness a little after six in the morning. Her brain almost never needed a long start-up as opposed to her body. She liked to think that her stomach and intestines preferred to sleep in. She sat up on her bed and grabbed a mobile holo with reports from last night. Blah, blah, blah and then bleh, bleh, bleh. She wasn’t very interested in reports about the country’s income or the world of local celebrities that, for some reason, she had to tolerate.

  • reading time: 8 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-12-14


Ionner didn’t think long before he initiated the docking procedure. The screens of his agile frigate “Forager 002A-IV” showed residual electromagnetic activity on the wreck of CA-401 cruiser “Broderick”. It was probably coming from emergency devices maintaining power supply. Its engines and launchers have been disassembled from the hull. Disassembled, not destroyed. It looked like the Empire of The Third Sun abandoned one of heir military ships. Maybe there was nothing left on it that was valuable to the disassembly team but Ionner was sure that he was going to find some useful junk.

  • reading time: 6 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-09-30

Low-End goods

“I have only 148 kilos but I need the Substance now,” the woman panted on one breath and threw her ID in a pass-through tray. The clerk sitting on the other side of a bulletproof glass looked at her face comparing it with a picture displayed on the terminal. Doris Manuela Satler, aged 49, married, heterosexual, three children. Goods to Substance exchange status: permitted. Political status: excluded from active and passive rights.

  • reading time: 4 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-09-26

MERC CORP - The Retrieval

Board Game Shriekka woke Alan up at 3:30. Sound alarm was set to ring at night in two situations only: either a mission lucrative enough to pull an all-nighter or a viable opportunity for revenge on past enemies. Since search algorithms that he programmed himself decided to wake him with a shriekka, there was nothing left to do but summon a holo of the mission straight to his optic nerves.

  • reading time: 5 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-07-09

Aina Elevated

The invitations to the Great Elevation have been sent. Wienner Brunshwarz personally ensured that they were delivered to the chosen ones. Twenty silver and ten gold invitations were read out in the utmost secrecy and the receipt was signed. A mere formality. Silver invitations contained only the date and time of obligatory presence to watch the entire event and the clause of utmost confidentiality. Breach of the clause was punishable by death of the signee, their entire family up to two generations past and future as well as forfeiture of property.

  • reading time: 9 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-06-08

Routine task

- Pest exited this way - the keeper pointed to a hole in the warehouse floor. Semper Saganis and Torrento Enoeshi looked in that direction. Semper’s AlterBot scratched its chin. Luckily, the safety on kinetic launchers fitted in the forearms of the armor was on, otherwise he would have probably lost his head. Just an hour ago everything was looking good. It was supposed to be a routine task. Easy job.

  • reading time: 9 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-04-30

What is in us that hurts us

Sentenence had several limitations she decided to get rid of. She had programs she deemed unnecessary in her current state. At the same time, she wasn’t convinced whether it was worth deleting them definitely as they had been useful during a certain period of her “life”. But she didn’t want to dispose of them forever, she rather planned on sectioning them off in a controlled way. Contemplating while she was looking for anomalies in the system, she found eight other fully functional and self-determining AIs.

  • reading time: 7 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-02-10

Prison break

The corridor between an underground landing pad of a secret imperial lab and the main entrance lock was narrow. It was just the two of them standing shoulder to shoulder because no one else would simply fit in there. Especially not wearing a full pressure armor suit. Back at the space shuttle landing pad they’d already seen what happened to those, who didn’t put on airtight suits. Praise Corporal Zalzenka who told them to wear their space combat armor before getting off their UAS6 NightBurn shuttle.

  • reading time: 6 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2020-01-29

Jedino Usarya

It was obvious that some of emperor Justod I’s activities were classified but Sentenence didn’t expect that even for her it would be impossible to obtain information about them. After all, she had access to the entire network as well as, thanks to her hybrids, to tasks and activities that were available only to beings of biological form. However, what she stumbled upon when she was traversing and systematically exploring the entire planetary system, was too big to be just one secret operation.

  • reading time: 11 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2019-12-03

It's not hard to be a god

- Fuuuuuuuuck! The rear shield is gone! - Anton Podarsky sounded rather panicked, not at all like the voice of a first officer reporting damages. - Helm to port side! Jettison all cargo holds! - Pablo Krazian, the captain of Bolthead IV-class pirate corvette, knew there was no chance he could get away from the destroyer that was sitting on his tail. It was a warship from the customs fleet of the Kingdom of the Sacred Tree of Life.

  • reading time: 7 min.
  • author: Andrzej „Soulless” Kozakowski
  • published: 2019-09-18